Click on any of the images above to find out more
about the first three issues of Rex Libris.
Rex Libris is the tough-as-nails Head Librarian at Middleton Public Library who, "Wearing his distinctive, super thick bottle glasses and armed with an arsenal of powerful weapons... strikes fear into recalcitrant borrowers, and can take on virtually any foe—from noisy, loitering zombies to fleeing alien warlords who refuse to pay their late fees."
Read the first nine pages of the first issue; get to know James Turner, the creator of Rex Libris through an interview entitled "The secret history of librarians"; or visit the official Rex Libris website, which features introductions to the main characters, a conspiracy theory on why Section 217 is missing from the Dewey Decimal Classification system, and a link to the store where you can buy the comic books, posters and shirts.
Category: Humor