The following presentation was delivered by Vernon R. Totanes at the 13th General Conference of the Congress of Southeast Asian Librarians (Manila, Philippines; 29 March 2006)
- Bloggers, non-bloggers
- Predominantly Filipino
- Prerequisite: email address
- Free resources
- Online citations
- Definitions
- Examples
- Reading
- Writing
- Issues
Blogging is changing the media world and could, I think, foment a revolution in how journalism functions in our culture.
- Andrew Sullivan (2002)
- From "web log" to "weblog" to "blog"
- Originally "logs of links to websites" (Cohen 2005)
- Entries - List of items received
- Arranged in reverse chronological order (Blood 2003)
- Record of visitors
- Diary
Other Features
- Name
- Content or posts
- Links
- Archives
- RSS feed
- Title
- Date/time
- Permalink
- Categories
- Comments
Other Definitions
- "Define:blog" on Google
- Use same syntax for definition of other words
Uses of "Blog"
- Noun: blog
- Verb: to blog
- Bloggers
- Blogosphere
- Biblioblogosphere
- Blograrians
A blog is a species of interactive electronic diary by means of which the unpublishable, untrammeled by editors or the rules of grammar, can communicate their thoughts via the web.
- Michael Gorman (2005)
Some people use paper to write insightful articles... Some people use paper to write grocery lists... Paper has been used for journalism, diaries, scribbling, gossip... The same is true on blogs.
- Danah Boyd (2005)
Popular Blogs
- LISNews
- The Shifted Librarian
- Library Stuff
- ResearchBuzz
- Catalogablog
- Laughing Librarian
- Lipstick Librarian
- Confessions of a Mad Librarian
- Conan the Librarian
- "Investigating the Biblioblogosphere" (Crawford 2005)
- The Information Literacy Land of Confusion (Lorenzen 2005)
- Libdex
- Open Directory
- BlogBib
Institutional blogs
- UN Pulse
- Ann Arbor District Library Michigan (see Levine 2005)
- Subject Blogs, University of Hong Kong Libraries
Southeast Asia

From Frappr’s Blogging Librarians
- Rambling Librarian
- National Library Board: - Programmes@100 Victoria Street
- High Browse Online
- School Librarian in Action
- Filipina Teacher-Librarian
- What's New at the IRRI Library
- Aklatang Pambata
- ASLP Online
- UPLSAA Online
Read: Why?
- Latest news and/or articles
- Professional development (Lavallée-Welch 2005; ppt)
- Monitor blogs
- Really Simple Syndication
- Subscribe and organize - Same subject
- Bloglines
- Online tutorials (see Rai 2005)
- Subscribe to newspapers, magazines, websites
- Priority
Search and Participate
- Technorati
- Google Blog Search
- Competitive intelligence (Pikas 2005; pdf)
- Subscribe using RSS
- Leave comments
- Join projects (see Flickr's Librarian Trading Cards)
Write: Why?
- Experimenting with technology
- Preserve thoughts (public or private)
- Raise personal or institutional profile
- Promoting library services (Fichter 2003)
- Personal blog: real name or anonymous? (e.g., Feel-good Librarian)
- Work-related matters: institution and/or co-employees
- Institutional blog: permission?
- Blogger, WordPress or others?
- Audience? Subject? Frequency?
- Time
- Control
- Ethics - HBR case study (Suitt 2003)
- Digital divide
- "Every blog produced by librarians, no matter how casual, represents librarianship to the world" (Schneider 2005)
- Filipino Librarian
- Benefits - Writing skills, HTML
- Responsible blogging
- Online resources
- Network
- What can and must be done
- Reference questions
Categories: Consal XIII, Blogging, About Vonjobi