Eli Guinnee, the founding editor, writes that "a combination of volunteer staff, server space from the University at Buffalo, and small donations from a variety of sources allows LSJ to publish without cost to authors or readers." He believes that "libraries can be publishers, and librarians can take advantage of our diverse skills and the many resources at our disposal to be directly and actively involved in the publishing of high quality scholarly information... We hope to be, in our own little way, an example of the future of scholarly publishing: open and free."
One feature of LSJ that I'd like to highlight is the fact that readers can actually leave comments on the articles. A few open access journals are already doing this, but not a lot.
The contents of LSJ's first issue include the following in both html and pdf versions:
Internet filtering and the adolescent gay/lesbian patronEssays
Holt, David Brian
The role of skepticism in human-information behavior: a cognitive-affective analysis
Giarlo, Michael J.
Babies and libraries: serving the youngest patrons of a communityEditorials
Oser, Cynthia
Internet filters in public libraries: do they belong?
Gottschalk, Lana
Its IM time: a case study of instant messaging reference for teens at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Slimon, Licia
Open (and free) for business: letter from the editor, September, 2006Reviews
Guinnee, Eli
Why content analysis should be used more in library and information studies research
Robinson, Leith
The knowledge entrepreneur, by Stan Skrzeszewski, 2006
Hockenberry, Benjamin
Disclosure: I'm a member of the Editorial Board.
Category: Technical Services