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LLE 2005: Studying for the Exam

The most important fact that those taking the Librarians' Licensure Examination (LLE) need to remember is that it is an exam. No amount of experience, impressive credentials, or years of service will change the fact that if you cannot answer enough questions correctly, then you will not pass the exam.

There are many ways of studying for the exam. Listed below are what I found helpful when I was preparing for the exam last year. Read them and use what you think is appropriate for you.

Join a review class. It may seem expensive but the discipline of going to classes, not to mention the guilt you'll feel if you're absent, will help prepare you to take the exam not just intellectually, but also psychologically. In case you didn't enroll in one of the once-a-week review classes, you can still sign up for daily review classes from October 3-15, including weekends, at UP's Institute of Library and Information Science.

Take mock exams seriously. Make sure you have a complete set of questionnaires and answer keys. If you aren't attending a review class, photocopy the mock exams of someone who's enrolled in one. Or you can try and look in bookstores for The Complete Reviewer for Librarian's Licensure Examination, vol. 3, ed. Juan Buenrostro (Quezon City: 2002). The questions, from 1998 and 1999 review classes, are a bit dated, but still helpful. Just be aware that not all the answers provided in the answer key are correct.

Use an answer sheet for mock exams. Don't write on the questionnaires. Why? So you can use them again. While you're answering the mock exam, mark answers that you're not sure of. When you check your answers, highlight the answers that you got right by guessing and try to understand how you got them right. Highlight your wrong answers using a different color and analyze why you got them wrong.

After a few days or weeks, take the mock exams all over again. Compare the results. Look at the the number of guesses you're making. Are they increasing or decreasing? Are you making mistakes on questions you answered correctly before? Or are you still making the same mistakes? If you did better the second time around, then you're on the right track. If you did worse, then you're doing something wrong. If you have time, take them again.

Time yourself. The amount of time given for a test will vary depending on the subject, but 100 questions will be asked for each subject. If on the third try, you're answering all the questions in less than 30 minutes, then you're ready for the exams. But looking for other mock exams to answer would still be a good idea.

One of the most useful tips I got from last year's review classes was from Sharon Esposo: If the test is constructed fairly, you should be able to eliminate two of the four choices easily. Try doing this with the mock exams.

Relax. What's important is that you get used to answering multiple choice questions. Don't try to memorize everything you get your hands on. But be sure you know how call numbers are assigned for LC and DDC. Being familiar with the subjects from A-Z and 0-990 will be helpful. Again, no need to memorize. What's important is that given four choices, you can eliminate two right away because you know that they belong to the wrong letter or number.

Don't fight the exam. It exists. There is a law that says we cannot practice our profession legally unless we pass the exam. If you would like to change the law, you may opt not to take the exam and wait until the law is replaced with one you like (but be prepared to wait a loooong time). Or you can take the exam, pass it and then work to have the law changed for the benefit of future librarians.

Category: Licensed Librarians

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